Maule M8-235

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Maule M8-235

Post by Spiff »

I am under the impression that the M8 is an MX7 fuselage with the universal wing and the 235hp O540. Is that all true? Is it true that it has an earlier aluminum gear that isn't as good as the later versions? Are there any advantages of the M8 over an M7-235? Is it faster with the smaller fuselage? Clearly the M8 wasn't a huge success in the market but I and curious to learn about it. Anybody here have one or have flown one?

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Re: Maule M8-235

Post by Kirk »

I got curious and searched around. Backcountry has an old thread on the M8. Sounds like it had a “wide stance” aluminum gear which on the early versions did tend to splay out after rough use or hard landings. Apparently, a later version addressed that.

Otherwise, it is basically the same as an MX-7 so the designation M-8 was dropped. Some or all, had the O540-B4B5 with 235 HP. Saw some advertised as “capable of running auto fuel”. That is a bit deceptive unless the Maule Flight auto fuel STC is installed to legally run auto fuel, B4B5 only. The visual cue to know if the STC is installed is an additional scoop on the left side of the cowling forward of the boost pump and gascolator.

The M-8 is not on some STC lists, so that might leave you out of some mods. Haven’t seen any other oddities or issues with the M-8.

Speed difference should be the same as M-7 vs MX-7. Maybe someone else could chime in on what that might be


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Re: Maule M8-235

Post by Spiff »

That's helpful, thanks. It would be interesting to also hear from someone that has flown one and see how it compares to an M7 or an MX7.

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